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我不后悔dj【视频】1 【新青年·成长】美国脱口秀女王奥普拉寄语年轻人:这世上没有理所当然的成功(附视频)丨Part-能源环境一家亲

【视频】1 【新青年·成长】美国脱口秀女王奥普拉寄语年轻人:这世上没有理所当然的成功(附视频)丨Part-能源环境一家亲
7月初奥杰阿格 ,美国脱口秀女王奥普拉接受了英国Vogue杂志的专访,她在专访中坦言:“现在许多年轻人认为成功轻而易举老九门八爷 ,幻想自己一夜成名养花大亨 ,或是大学一毕业立刻功成名就,却未曾看到成功背后的付出和坚信。我不后悔dj ” 成功人生并不会一蹴而就,怀揣一颗热爱生活的心去不断努力,才是最大的捷径。

How do you interview the best known interviewer in the world桃月是几月 ? Editor-in-chief of British Vogue Edward Enninful found out when he sat down for a chat with his August cover star金夫银妇 , Oprah.
Oprah—who looks snatched for the gawds in the magazine’s spread—reprises the made-to-order, belted, green jacquard gown and jeweled shoes by Erdem she also sports in the shoot. “I’m the easiest interview you’re ever going to have,” she promises Enninful, before dishing on her greatest luxury (having her own plane), and what it’sreallylike to be the brand that is Oprah.
“I just feel like I just have the most amazing life of anybody I know,” she tells Enninful.
From the woman who made the phrase, “live your best life稀品网 ,” famous宋医全文阅读 , we’d certainly hope so. But when it comes to exactly how aspirational her existence is炸三中 , the mega-mogul even surprises herself. In fact she, confesses to recently Googling herself for the first time and discovering that she was the first African-American self-made billionaire (how did she not know that?), as well as the most charitable African American in the 20th century.
“I was like,冉东阳 ‘I am so impressed with myself!’” she tells Enninful. “I am most proud that I have been able to live this incredible life, filled with beauty.”
But Oprah—who says she’d be teaching in a classroom if she wan’t running a multimedia empire—is clear that her beautiful life wasn’t achieved without intention and effort梦见大火烧山 , citing bestselling authorMalcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule(whichothers have disputed). It’s a fact she tells Enninful she wishes more young people understood:
“They think that there isn’t a process to [success]; they think that they’re supposed to come out of college and have their brand超级修圣传奇 ,” she says. “How I got to be a brand was every day making choices...”
The now great and powerful O has been making strategic choices since she started in television at age 19, and suggests that the one most instrumental to her immense success was being her authentic self, both on- and off-camera.
“From, I’d say夏拉奇 , 32, 33 on, I figured out how to be myself completely on television. And all these years, I have made a fortune, really, being myself. So, I’m never not me; I’m never not the person that you see.”
But if she could tell her younger self anything上一邪 , it would be advice that we could likely all use:
“First of all, it would be ‘relax.’ It would be ‘stop being afraid.’ And it would be刘梦莹 , ‘everything’s going to be alright. No matter what兴文二中 , you’re going to be okay.’”
