彭家驹作者:Henri Douche
How are weather satellites used?
When insuring agricultural production, the vast majority of the mainperils are weather-driven. Of course, traditional loss adjustment methods withfield visits directly assess losses in the field, but they require a heavyinfrastructure. Index insurance does not need field visits, it is based on anindex that can proxy production. The quality and the correlation between lossand index will set the level of basis risk. In the case of a weather index, the quality of the initial weather data is crucial to ensure a good product (see“basis risk”).
Weather stations constitute the first obvious source of weather data.Ground-based, and measuring parameters, on a very frequent basis, weather stations should be best source for weather-based insurance. But somelimitations must be mentioned, the first one being the number and location ofthe stations. Stations are often located far from agricultural fields, or inlocations that are not representative of the fields (e.g. airports and otherbuilt-up areas). This is a key issue, as the distance between the insured fieldand the weather station can introduce a severe bias in the index.
The second limitation is the quality of the data. In order to produceaccurate data, a weather station has to be maintained and regularly controlledand calibrated. While this is the case for international standard-level weatherstations, it is often not true of many other stations. This implies aconsiderable amount of data cleaning and quality control.
In the terminology of weather stations, weather data is treated as anumber of points, each station representing a point and each point having ageographical location on the globe. In order to estimate the specifictemperature at a specific point between two weather stations, interpolationmust be performed. Of course, many different methods of interpolation can beused. But the greater the distance between stations, the higher the uncertaintyaround the interpolated value.
Unlike the “points” system used by weather stations, satellite data ishandled as a “grid”, due to the nature of the measuring instrument itself. Theatmosphere is divided into individual cells at horizontal level and verticallevel, and each cell is then given a value for a specific parameter.
In some cases, local regulations can limit the use of weather stations.
For decades now, weather scientists have been using satellites toretrieve weather data. Thanks to the different sensors onboard, they canmeasure weather parameters at any point on the globe and at different altitudesin the atmosphere. Whether they are polar-orbiting or geostationary, weathersatellites give permanent access to the required information.
But weather satellites also have certain limitations, such as notbeing able to provide accurate measurements for very local events likeprecipitation, or having special resolutions that are sometimes too crude to beused in mountainous areas (too much altitude variation within a single gridcell).
Although not the panacea for all insurance index products, theyconstitute a great tool that is often under-used in the insurance industry.There are various examples of products based on weather indices, such as thosecreated by the African Risk Capacity agency, and by the Weather-Based CropInsurance Scheme in India.
Atmospheric models are managed in the same way, hence the possibilityof merging data between stations and satellites.
Weather scientists have developed datasets, mixing all available datasources - radiosondes, satellites, ground stations, aircrafts, ship reports –and using data assimilation schemes and atmospheric models. The combination ofobservations and model output through data assimilation is used in numericalweather prediction and in reanalysis. Unlike numerical weather prediction,which estimates future conditions, reanalysis products reflect past conditions,often for several decades. Today, most of the input data in numerical weatherprediction and reanalysis comes from satellites. However, some groundobservations are always required, either to calibrate the satellite products,or as input in the meteorological models (prediction, reanalysis) themselves.
Like all models, reanalysis data models have certain limitations, butfor agriculture monitoring, where the main objective is to capture the cumulatedeffect of the weather throughout the crop season, they are a very valuableasset.
The choice between raw satellite technology and reanalysis datasetsdepends on what the resulting data is going to be used for. For example,satellite data is often a better choice for precipitation, becauseprecipitation (especially convective precipitation) is the result of sub-gridscale processes, which are not directly simulated in weather models. To take adifferent example, air temperature from reanalysis tends to be more accuratethan air temperature provided by satellite data, because satellites onlymeasure skin temperature, which then has to be converted to air temperature ata certain reference height.