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【视频】国际会议探讨科学姆本加 ,技术和创新对可持续发展的贡献-联合国工业发展组织

第18届全球科学技术与创新发展会议将于2018年3月22日至23日在印度新德里举行女杀油地狱 。此次会议将首次探讨科学,技术和创新对全球健康挑战,可持续农业和技能,就业和产业转型的具体贡献。
组织者强调会议促进联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)的重要性。 “科学,技术和创新是世界可持续发展的关键因素,是实现联合国2030年可持续发展议程,包括其可持续发展目标的关键因素,”工发组织政策研究和统计司司长Cecilia Ugaz Estrada说。坎贝尔协作组织首席执行官Howard White也赞同此观点,他指出“发展和减贫需要创新”,会议将“帮助印度和世界范围内的持续增长提供政策和实践信息”农谚有哪些 。
会议还将涉及科技和创新取得成功所需的额外因素,特别是在非洲钮钴禄氏 ,亚洲和拉丁美洲的发展中国家和转型期国家。全球发展网络主席Pierre Jacquet期待大会“探讨可持续发展不仅要求科学水平和技术进步,而且还要重视社会和政策的变化荣毅仁家族 。”

Ugaz Estrada说:“工发组织与全球发展网络和其他合作伙伴共同组织此次会议,旨在为全球探讨科学谁是卧底题目 ,技术和创新促进可持续发展目标的最佳方法提供平台”。
NEW DELHI, 9 February 2018 – The 18th Global Development Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for Development is set to take place from 22 to 23 March in New Delhi栗妙人 , India. For the first time, such a conference will explore the specific contribution of STI to global health challenges, sustainable agriculture and skills柳雷鸟, employment and industrial transformation.
Organizers stress the importance of the Conference to further theUN Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs). “STI is a key tool for moving the world onto a sustainable path and, as such, a key ingredient for achieving the United Nations’ ambitious 2030 Agenda, including its SDGs聚齐网 ,” says Cecilia Ugaz Estrada静水久, Director of the Department of Policy Research and Statistics at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). This sentiment is echoed by Howard White,单竞缇 CEO of Campbell Collaboration, who notes that “development and poverty reduction require innovation” and that the Conference will “help inform policy and practice for continued growth in India, the region,互联网女皇 and the world beyond.”
The Conference is also expected to touch upon the added ingredients needed for STI to be successful, especially in developing and transition countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Pierre Jacquet筱田建市 , President of the Global Development Network (GDN), expects the Conference to “discuss how sustainable development requires and builds not only on scientific proficiency and technological advances海王星战士, but also, importantly, societal and policy change.”
The 18th in a series of reputed global development conferences around the world, the event will gather global actors from developed and developing countries representing governments, research, private sector and civil society. Sessions will feature examples of research吴妍书, programmes and policies that either develop innovation or concretely use technological progress to improve the quality of life in developing countries.
“In teaming up with GDN and partners to organize this event, UNIDO aims to leverage its convening function and thereby provide a channel for informing the global discussion on best approaches to harnessing STI for SDGs,” says Ugaz Estrada.
Conference outcomes will be focused on building sustainable development. Professor M.R. Murthy金投赏, Director ofthe Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), observes the need for “a model that is sustainable and inclusive for the prosperity of human beings and their peaceful co-existence.”
The Conference is organized in partnership between theCampbell Collaboration,GDN,ISIDandUNIDO.
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