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【视频】【科学猫科普】生物学家实拍:海岛惊现巨蟹濮阳县新闻网 温莎结,身长三尺可捕食海鸟-科学猫科普

查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)曾经写道:“起初人们认为螃蟹是不可能打开强壮的椰子的,”这位进化生物学之父讲述了一个漫游在印度洋岛屿的“怪异的节肢动物的故事”盐都杂谈 。何权谋达尔文写道:“螃蟹首先撕开外壳,将纤维一根根撕碎,并始终从三个眼孔所在的那一端开始逃离古庙。”当这完成后,螃蟹开始用重爪在其中一个眼孔上敲打战怡麟,直到打开冬瓜炖肉 。
“It would at first be thought quite impossible for a crab to open a strong cocoa-nut脑白质疏松,” Charles Darwin once wrote猛兽侠第一部 , as that father of evolutionary biology recounted stories of a “monstrous” arthropod said to roam an island in the Indian Ocean. “The crab begins by tearing the husk, fibre by fibre梦见大火烧山 , and always from that end under which the three eye-holes are situated,” Darwin wrote. “When this is completed修仙长生路 , the crab commences hammering with its heavy claws on one of the eye-holes till an opening is made.”
椰子蟹是陆栖寄居蟹的一种,也被称为强盗螃蟹或棕榈小偷。它是世界上最大的陆地生物节肢动物,可能是外骨骼陆地动物的体型上限军统四大金刚 ,体重高达4.1公斤(9.0磅)。从腿到腿的长度可以达到1米(3英尺3英寸)lol王越。分布在印度尼西亚、印度洋上的岛屿和远东的太平洋的部分岛屿,以及有众多椰子树分布的甘比尔群岛点将王。不幸的是,由于人类活动,椰子蟹已经从包括澳大利亚大陆和马达加斯加在内的大部分人口众多的地区被彻底赶走了郭柏鹭 。
The coconut crab is a species of terrestrial hermit crab仙侠记官网 , also known as the robber crab or palm thief. It is the largest land-living arthropod in the world, and is probably at the upper size limit for terrestrial animals with exoskeletons in recent times易易亲 , with a weight of up to 4.1 kg (9.0 lb). It can grow to up to 1 m (3 ft 3 in) in length from leg to leg. It is found on Indonesia掂斤播两 , islands across the Indian Ocean and parts of the Pacific Ocean as far east as the Gambier Islands mirroring the distribution of the coconut palm; it has been extirpated from most areas with a significant human population, including mainland Australia and Madagascar.
对于椰子蟹到底吃什么,生物学家一直认为它们是吃素的姜修智 ,以椰子及其它植物和果实为食,但是最近拍到的螃蟹吃体型巨大的海鸟还是第一次医道通天,不知道大家看了之后是什么感受。

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