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In April,李冠廷 Mr. Sky and his father湖南卫视网络电视台 , who came from the U.S. California, and visited our company, were warmly welcomed by CEO Zhang Zhongliang and business people of International Business Department.

此次Mr.Sky和他的父亲来我司主要目的是参观、访问,洽谈后续市场合作.公司总经理张中良对远道而来的客人表示了热烈的欢迎与亲切问候吴雪妍 !
Their visits to our company aimed at field investigation and discussion about further cooperation with our company. CEO Zhang Zhongliang delivered warm welcome and heartfelt greeting to them arrived at from a long distance.
当得知Sky先生的父亲已过80高龄还不辞辛劳,不远万里来到瑞晶(瑞安)艾达·王 ,总经理表示由衷的敬佩及感动入队申请书!
When heard of efforts to come and visit Risun made by Mr. Sky’s father though age dover 80 years蔻诗泉 , CEO Zhang expressed his admiration and appreciation.

对于此次访问与合作新干天气预报 ,Sky先生半年前就做了充分的准备街尾之宅 ,对我司背景、产品、技术、市场等各个方面在这之前就进行了充分的了解.此次的实地考察进一步加深了对我司印象语梅情 ,得知我司和世界500强之一,同样来自美国的霍尼韦尔有长期战略合作时竖起了大拇指.
About half a year before this visit aiming at reaching cooperation, Mr. Sky has begun to get a full understanding of our company’s technical background吉讯网 , products,technological advantages and market shares. This field investigation has deepened his understanding of our company. When informed of our company maintaining a long-term strategic cooperation with Honeywell曹安娜照片 , one of Fortune 500 Companies also based in U.S., he thumbed up.

美洲市场作为瑞晶(瑞安)的重点市场之一,是我司一直重点关注、开发的市场.携手并进林采薇 ,合作共赢是长期以来我们坚持的商业思想.我们欢迎每一位来自全球各地有意加入瑞晶(瑞安)大家庭的成员,瑞晶(瑞安)有您更闪亮!
Our company always attaches importance to developing the American market, one of Risun major markets. The business philosophy of win-win cooperation is what we’re always sticking to. We welcome everyone interested to join us! With you尘仙 ,Risun is brighter than ever before.

